Monday, February 20, 2012

Magnum Force

    It's been awhile since I have done a post but I have been slammed lately. I'm gonna try and keep the posts at a more regular interval from now on, plus I have a request for an interview out to a band I'm super stoked about so keep en eye out.

    In the meantime...

    ....this band is fucking killing it! I heard of Magnum Force off of the To Live a Lie 2011 sampler tape and the track kicked ass so I ordered the record and guess what? The whole fuckin thing kicks ass! This is the Self Loathing 7" and as far as I can tell this is the bands only physical release, although they did put out a limited run of 100 of these with a different cover, but I found out about them to late to snag one, maybe next time.

    This 7" has turned into one of the most played records in my collection, and is also one of the records I always insist on playing for anyone that comes by my place. This is the perfect sound for me. It's fast, aggressive, and the vocals are absolutely spit out with angry intensity. I try not to get too heavy in the different genres of music but I'm pretty sure this is the the kind of music that caused someone somewhere to coin the term "power violence" since that's exactly how it sounds, violent with massive punk undertones. Definitely check this band out and you can snag Self Loathing from To Live a Lie Records.

Magnum Force MySpace

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